Lugu on tendentslikult kirjutatud. Iseenesest pole kõrge ega madal maksutase õnne retsept, hoopis tähtsam on tihti valitsuse netokulutamine/netomaksustamine.
Rootsi väljus esimesena Suurest depressioonist tänu keinsistlikule majanduspoliitikale (valitsuse defitsiitne kulutamine). Sotside majandusprogrammi edust annab tunnistust fakt, et sotsiaaldemokraadid jäid võimule neljaks aastakümneks (lühike vaheaeg oli selle aja sees).
Hansson introduced the concept in 1928, saying that Sweden should become more like a "good home", this being marked by equality and mutual understanding. Hansson advocated that the traditional class society should then be replaced by "the people's home" (folkhemmet).
The concept came at a time when nationalization was being questioned, and marked the party's abandonment of the notion of class struggle, a concept fundamental to the early Social Democratic movement. Instead they adapted a planned economy and what would be called Funktionssocialism, where businesses were controlled through regulations rather than government ownership. The government would then also have more control over the individual, however, to the extent required to increase the wellbeing of citizens.
Good and easily available education, even to higher levels, was considered particularly important for building the new society. As a result, Sweden became one of the first countries in the world to offer free education at all levels, including all public universities, along with several new universities founded during the 1960s. Free universal health care was provided by the state, enacted in 1947-55, along with numerous other social services.
Täna on Rootsi hoidunud kõige suuremast neoliberaalsest majanduspornograafiast, sest ei adopteerinud eurot.
Eesti neoliberaalne majanduspoliitika tõi meile ülikõrge tööpuuduse ja massilise väljarände.
Lugu on tendentslikult kirjutatud. Iseenesest pole kõrge ega madal maksutase õnne retsept, hoopis tähtsam on tihti valitsuse netokulutamine/netomaksustamine.
VastaKustutaRootsi väljus esimesena Suurest depressioonist tänu keinsistlikule majanduspoliitikale (valitsuse defitsiitne kulutamine). Sotside majandusprogrammi edust annab tunnistust fakt, et sotsiaaldemokraadid jäid võimule neljaks aastakümneks (lühike vaheaeg oli selle aja sees).
Hansson introduced the concept in 1928, saying that Sweden should become more like a "good home", this being marked by equality and mutual understanding. Hansson advocated that the traditional class society should then be replaced by "the people's home" (folkhemmet).
The concept came at a time when nationalization was being questioned, and marked the party's abandonment of the notion of class struggle, a concept fundamental to the early Social Democratic movement. Instead they adapted a planned economy and what would be called Funktionssocialism, where businesses were controlled through regulations rather than government ownership. The government would then also have more control over the individual, however, to the extent required to increase the wellbeing of citizens.
Good and easily available education, even to higher levels, was considered particularly important for building the new society. As a result, Sweden became one of the first countries in the world to offer free education at all levels, including all public universities, along with several new universities founded during the 1960s. Free universal health care was provided by the state, enacted in 1947-55, along with numerous other social services.
Täna on Rootsi hoidunud kõige suuremast neoliberaalsest majanduspornograafiast, sest ei adopteerinud eurot.
Eesti neoliberaalne majanduspoliitika tõi meile ülikõrge tööpuuduse ja massilise väljarände.